Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of the equine visceral system with our distinguished panel of experts.
Gain insights into the physiology, function, motion, and vitality of these vital organs, recognizing their interconnectedness with the broader context of the horse's well-being.

Explore the dynamic interplay of the body and the myriad factors influencing and shaping the intricate systems within. Join us in unraveling the complexity of equine health and well-being through a profound understanding of the visceral landscape.

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We aim to unravel the significance of understanding the visceral system within the body.

Osteopaths recognize that the body operates as a unified entity, where every system influences the others.

The unique perspective of osteopathy involves a comprehensive understanding of organs, considering their movement, connections, innervation, communication with the brain, and the subsequent impact on the spine, related structures and the general health and wellness of the horse.

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About Olds College:

Nestled within the Smart Agriculture Ecosystem, Olds College stands as a historical landmark with roots tracing back to 1911.

Originally a provincially funded demonstration farm, it evolved into the Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics in 1913.

Over the years, Olds College has grown and adapted, expanding program offerings to embrace modern technologies and concepts, including precision farming, smart agriculture, and big data utilization.

The college continues to lead in applied research, notably launching the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network and introducing innovative programs like the Bachelor of Digital Agriculture Degree.

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